Connected Breathing A transformational Breathing Technique

Connected breathing is a technique where you breathe quickly and deeply, with the inhalation flowing directly into the exhalation, without pauses in between. This practice is always done under the guidance of an experienced coach. The aim is to reach a special state of consciousness, which can help improve both your physical and mental well-being. The effects can be profound and wide-reaching, impacting your emotions, thoughts, and overall sense of awareness, which may sometimes be temporary but can also be lasting.

The experience people have during this breathing technique is similar to what some feel after using certain consciousness-expanding substances. It is often perceived as intense and even spiritual. You may encounter deep emotions, relive memories, and sometimes gain powerful insights that lead to positive changes in your life.

Connected breathing can provide support for psychological challenges such as stress or addiction and can also help boost your self-confidence and sense of connection.

A session begins with setting a personal intention. Afterward, you lie down, and I guide you in the proper rhythm of breathing. At first, you may experience some discomfort, such as a dry mouth, tingling sensations, or a feeling of tension, but over time, your body will take over the breathing naturally. Most people then experience a sense of liberation. After the active breathing phase, there is a quiet period of 15 to 20 minutes for integration, during which hidden emotions may surface and be processed.